SEO Dünyasının En Büyük Haberi: 1922 Farklı SEO Sıralama Faktörü Sızdırıldı.
Eski bir çalışanın, bir kısmı arama motorları tarafından web sitelerini arama sonuçlarında sıralamak için kullanılan 1.900'den fazla faktörü içeren bir Yandex kaynak kodu deposunu sızdırdığı iddia edildi.
Bir Yandex çalışanı tarafından, 1922 arama sıralaması faktörünün de yer aldığı birçok Yandex ürününe ait kaynak kodlar popüler bir hacker platformunda servis edildi.
44.7 GB büyüklüğündeki sızıntıda;
- Yandex search engine and indexing bot
- Yandex Maps
- Alice (AI assistant)
- Yandex Taxi
- Yandex Direct (ads service)
- Yandex Mail
- Yandex Disk (cloud storage service)
- Yandex Market
- Yandex Travel (travel booking platform)
- Yandex360 (workspaces service)
- Yandex Cloud
- Yandex Pay (payment processing service)
- Yandex Metrika (internet analytics) ‘e ait verilerin bulundupu görünüyor.
Sızıntı, en azından Temmuz 2022 itibarıyla Yandex’in arama algoritmasında kullandığı 1.922 sıralama faktörünü ortaya çıkardı.
Yandex source code hacked! Complete list of 1900+ ranking factors can be downloaded here:
— Martin MacDonald 🏴🇪🇸🇺🇸🇧🇧 (@searchmartin) January 27, 2023
Martin MacDonald bunu bugün Twitter’da; “Yandex hack’i muhtemelen SEO’da yıllardır meydana gelen en ilginç şey.” olarak ifade etti.
The Yandex hack is probably the most interesting thing to have happened in SEO in years.
— Martin MacDonald 🏴🇪🇸🇺🇸🇧🇧 (@searchmartin) January 27, 2023
Yandex bunu Saldırı değil “sızıntı” olarak tanımlıyor.
Gridory Bakunov’un bir haber sitesine yaptığı açıklamada Yandex, sistemlerinin saldırıya uğramadığını ve eski bir çalışanın kaynak kodu deposunu sızdırdığını söyledi.
Kod, popüler bir bilgisayar korsanlığı forumunda göründüğü için ilk başta Yandex’in saldırıya uğradığı düşünüldü. Yandex bunu yalanladı ve şu açıklamayı yaptı:
“Yandex hacklenmedi. Güvenlik servisimiz, kamuya açık bir dahili depodan kod parçaları buldu, ancak içerik, Yandex hizmetlerinde kullanılan deponun mevcut sürümünden farklı.
Depo, kodu depolamak ve kodla çalışmak için bir araçtır. Kod, çoğu şirket tarafından dahili olarak bu şekilde kullanılır.
Depolar, kodla çalışmak için gereklidir ve kişisel kullanıcı verilerinin depolanması için tasarlanmamıştır. Kaynak kodu parçalarının halka açıklanmasının nedenleriyle ilgili bir iç soruşturma yürütüyoruz, ancak kullanıcı verilerine veya platform performansına yönelik herhangi bir tehdit görmüyoruz.”
Sızıntıyla ilgili daha fazla bilgiyi Techmeme’de bulabilirsiniz.
Yandex SEO Sızıntısı SEO Algoritma 1922 listesi indir
Yandex SEO Algoritması listesi. MacDonald, SEO 1.922 faktörün tam listesini burada paylaştı. Linkten factors_gen indirebilirsiniz.
Yandex SEO Sızıntısı erken analizi.
Alex Buraks, çeşitli sıralama faktörlerini analiz ederek iki Twitter dizisi oluşturdu – 1. Thread , 2. Thread -. Michael King’den ilginç bir Twitter dizisi daha var.
The Yandex hack is probably the most interesting thing to have happened in SEO in years.
— Martin MacDonald 🏴🇪🇸🇺🇸🇧🇧 (@searchmartin) January 27, 2023
Leaked Yandex ranking factors analysis part 2, let's go.
[🧵THREAD]— Alex Buraks (@alex_buraks) January 28, 2023
Aight y'all.
Let's get started with this Yandex thing.
First thing, I want to give props and a shout out to @benwills who was the first to tell me about the leak and did a lot of initial leg work to make sense of where things live. He's the real MVP.
— Mic King (@iPullRank) January 27, 2023
Dan Taylor ayrıca Yandex Veri Sızıntısı: Rus Arama Haberlerinde Arama Algoritmaları Hakkında Öğrendiklerimiz adlı makalesinde bazı bulguları paylaşıyor.
Yandex SEO Kriterleri Nelerdir?
Yandex’in sıralama faktörlerinin çoğu, görmeyi beklediğiniz şeylerdir –
- PageRank,
- metin alaka düzeyi,
- içerik yaşı ve tazeliği,
- çok sayıda son kullanıcı davranış faktörü,
- ana bilgisayar güvenilirliği ve bağlantıyla ilgili birçok faktör (ör. yaş, alaka düzeyi, vb.)
- SEO uzmanlarının şaşırtıcı bulduğu sıralama faktörlerinden bazıları:
- tekil ziyaretçi sayısı,
- organik trafiğin yüzdesi,
- sorgular arasında ortalama etki alanı sıralaması.
Ve Taylor’ın belirttiği gibi, sıralama faktörlerinden 244’ü kullanılmamış ve 988’i kullanımdan kaldırılmış olarak kategorize edildi, “bu, belgenin %64’ünün ya aktif olarak kullanılmadığı ya da yerinin değiştirildiği anlamına geliyor – yani daha çok ~690 potansiyel sıralama faktörü ve bir çoğu ince betimlemeler içeriyor.”
Yandex SEO Kriter Arama Aracı ile inceleyin.
SEO Sıralama Faktörü Gezgini. Rob Ousbey, çeşitli sıralama faktörlerini aramak için bir araç olan Yandex SEO Sıralama Faktörü Gezgini’ni yarattı. Linke tıklayarak ilerletebilirsiniz.
Yandex SEO Kriterleri nelerdir?
Index | Name |
0 | PR Page Rank. The factor will be remarked. |
1 | TR |
2 | LR Link relevance. The factor will be remarked. |
3 | PrBonus Priority bonus, priority 7 – text priority. The binary factor, matters 0 for all monosyllabic requests, and the value of 1 for almost all two or more words, except for a very small number of answers for which there is not a single link that has passed quorum, and the text also did not pass the quorum. |
4 | TRp1 Stript priority for TR is a text priority – there are all the words of the request somewhere in the document (while they pass contextual restrictions on the request, for example, both words DB in one sentence). |
5 | TRp2 PHRASE priority for TR is a text priority – there are all the words of the request in a row in the document. |
6 | LRp1 (strict) there is all the words of the request in one link. |
7 | LRp2 (Phrase) There are all the words of the request in a row in one line. |
8 | TRtitle The presence of an accurate phrase (request text) in the header (more precisely, in the first sentence of the document). Contextual restrictions and feet are taken into account exactly as in TRP2, i.e. Factor [8] Minors Factor [5] |
9 | TRhr There was a plot that passed the quorum in which all the word positions are designated as those who have the relevance of Best_relev (title or Meta Keywords). |
10 | Removed_10 |
11 | News This is the news (determined by the characteristic (( Patterns in URL $))))). |
12 | Shop This is a proposal store (determined by the characteristic (( Patterns in Url ‘))))))))). Not used (depreded) |
13 | Cat This is a catalog (determined by the characteristic (( . |
14 | YaBar Attendance from the bar – (( data description)). The factor will be remarked. |
15 | Long Long document (the longer the document, the greater the value of the factor). |
16 | TRhitw Hitweigt is a variant of textual relevance, in which the weights of all hits are considered equal (i.e., they do not take into account the allowances for title and the proximity of words). In this case, the corresponding hits must be restricted by the syntactic sorcerer, i.e. We can assume that the TRHITW factor is 0 and only when Softandok is 0 |
17 | LongQuery The amount of IDF words of the request. The name does not reflect the essence: for example, for the request of ‘Gadyach’ this factor will be more than for the request of ‘Moscow Peter Yekaterinburg Samara’. |
18 | PureText Long text without links. |
19 | Root This is a muzzle. |
20 | Removed20 |
21 | Removed21 |
22 | Geo Means the coincidence of the region of the user and the site at the level of countries. Binar factor: 1-rush, 0-no. It is based on (( Yandexposisk/ Classification of Sytraitniki/ Geographic/Sospolzanievpoysk Geoklassification of sites))))))) |
23 | SubqueryThMatch Coincidence of thematic spectra of request and document. Request themes-the result of work (( Rules of the sorcerer Subquerysearch)) The subject of the document is taken from Yandex-Catalog |
24 | SR The complex Static Rank is assembled from static components according to a separate formula (( *))). |
25 | TRref The factor about the number of Refines. In the queries, there is a feature of user refines (” word that is faced with a percentage sign ‘). According to the idea, this means something like ‘it would be good if the word in the document was’. The only famous (( Andrey Gulin)) the valuable use of this feature is a request [ %official %site name of the film]. This feature is unknown to users, because Not described in any documentation. It is planned that it will disappear from the tongue of requests, but in the sorcerer the words with the priority of User_refine will remain. The factor indicates how much the maximum user_refine was simultaneously found in the framework of a single hit in the quorum. It is believed that there are from 0 to 3 (if> 3, then it is believed that 3). This number is waved in the half interval [0.1] |
26 | TRboost The number for which some linseed factors are multiplied (namely, factors number 6, 7, 47, 66), if text relevant 0, and there are few links |
27 | TRLRlemma In textual relevance, Lemma coincides. |
28 | TrafgraphOutAll_share_d Remapped mascot feature TrafgraphOutAll_share_d |
29 | RelevSentsDssm DSSM model, trained for reformulations, in the document uses relevant to the request of the proposal |
30 | FreshNewsDetectorPredict The value of the news detector calculated in the Hippo. Always 0 with a detector value less than the threshold. |
31 | LRHitNum100 The transformed number of words of the request in all url linos. |
32 | LRHitNumGt16 The document LR> 20 The number of words of the words of the request in the Links> 16, the factor about LR. |
33 | PctLinks For documents with a high LR, a normalized lincat relevance excluding proximity, for documents with a low LR 0 |
34 | HasLR URL High LR. |
35 | LinkQuality The quality of incoming links (the classifier of the bream) is broken, cm [405] |
36 | AliceMusicTrackTitleCosineMatchMaxPrediction The value of the cosinematchmaxprediction factor for the Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
37 | NumLinks The number of incoming links. Remembrance. |
38 | PopularQ The popularity of the request |
39 | TRUnmapped TR divided by a cube of the number of words in a request and transformed by a standard REMAPTR. |
40 | RusLang The language of the document is Russian. |
41 | AddTime The time of adding a page, more – a more old document; The root is placed from time displayed at the interval [0.1] so that 3+ years gives 1. |
42 | IsMainPage If the main page of the owner (most often a second -level domain, for example, then the factor is 1. For bums, hosting, personal blogs, etc. (for example, Lifejornal,, etc.) – domains of the third level (such as will also have an equal factor 1. |
43 | AddTimeMP The time for adding the main page of the owner (host?) Will be remaped like Addtime. |
44 | AliceMusicTrackTitleAnnotationMaxValueWeighted The value of the factor annotationmaxvalueEWEEGTED for Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
45 | QueryURLClicksPCTR How often they click in this URL for this request – CTR blasting for the correction factor |
46 | TextBM25 Simple BM25 in text. |
47 | LinkBM25 Simple BM25 for links, the weights of the braces are not taken into account. |
48 | TLBM25 Simple BM25 in text and links at the same time. |
49 | TLp1 All the words of the request are in the text + links. |
50 | Adv There is advertising on the site. |
51 | YandexAdv On the site there is an advertisement for Yandex. |
52 | NoSpam The Classifier of Spam for Picks from Antispam recognized the site not (!) Spam. Those. 0 = spam, 1 = good. |
53 | TxtPair Simple BM25 in pairs of words – we take all pairs of words of the request and consider the number of their entry into the text of the document. In the quality of the weight of the pair we use the sum of the scales of words. It does not work if there is a stop-word in the request |
54 | LnkPair The same as txtpair, but for links; Link weights are not taken into account. |
55 | TxtBreak BM25 from the number of sentences in the document in which it occurs. |
56 | TxtHead BM25 according to only in the heading. |
57 | TxtHiRel BM25 according to only with High Rel-bots (‘significant’, with the allocation (<b> ITP)). |
58 | Removed_58 |
59 | WordCount Min (number of words of request/10, 1.f) |
60 | InvWordCount 1 / quantity_lov_v_ |
61 | HasNoTR The document has no TR. |
62 | HasNoLR The document has no LR. |
63 | HasNoQueryURLShows For this Urla, for this request, there is no information about clickness 1 – request or request -URLA in the click database, 0 – query URL in the clicks database |
64 | HasNoQueryShows For this request, there is no information about clickability 1 – there is no request in the click database, 0 – the request is in the click database. |
65 | Hops The number of hops of Url inpans (such as less – closer to the muzzle, the lower the value (0 – the muzzle, 1 – from the muzzle cannot be reached, 0 <can get from the muzzle <1). Normal value for the root of the nosta 0.0039). |
66 | LogLR Logarithm from LR, linearly displayed in [0.1]. |
67 | TxtPairEx the presence of pairs of words in the exact form |
68 | TxtBreakEx the number of sentences in which there are many words in the exact form |
69 | TxtHeadEx the presence of words in the header in the exact form |
70 | TxtHiRelEx BM25 in the exact form |
71 | TxtBm25Ex Simple BM25 in the exact form. |
72 | TxtPairSy the presence of pairs of words taking into account synonyms (> = txtpair) |
73 | TxtBreakSy the number of sentences in which there are many words taking into account synonyms |
74 | TxtHeadSy the presence of words in the header, taking into account synonyms |
75 | TxtHiRelSy BM25 taking into account synonyms |
76 | TxtBm25Sy Simple BM25 taking into account synonyms. |
77 | QueryDOwnerClicksPCTR How often they click in the URLs of this Domainid for this request – Ctr Domainid blasting for the correction factor |
78 | HasNoQueryDOwnerShows For this Domainid for this request, there is no information about clickability 1 – request or request -owner is not in the clicks database, 0 – the request for clicks is in the database of clicks |
79 | OwnerClicksPCTR The owner’s clickness regardless of the request |
80 | Megafon The relative frequency of the words in the links (1 – the words of the request are often found in links, 0.3 – rarely); More precisely, the value of this factor is pessimized provided: TR = 0 && LR = 0 & (there is not a single link with all the words of the request) && (did not pass the quorum) && (at least one pair of words of the request is found in the text) |
81 | XLRp0 There are all the words of the request in the links |
82 | XLRp1 There are all the words of the request in one link |
83 | XLRp2 There is a link that has passed quorum |
84 | XLRgood What is the share of “good” links |
85 | XLRmanyBad How many “bad” links (bad = DPR = 0) |
86 | XLRmaxDpr Maximum DPR links |
87 | XLRtfidf TFIDF ordinary TF*IDF by links. The frequency of the word in the links is multiplied by the reverse document frequency and summarized in all words, then it is normalized to the length of the document. |
88 | XLRrelev Linkovaya relevance by Gulina |
89 | XLRrelev200 Linkovaya relevance by Gulina |
90 | XLRlogRelev Linkovaya relevance by Gulina |
91 | BFexact There is an exact form of all words of the request in the text/lincers |
92 | BFlemma There is a lemma of all the words of the request in the text/lincers |
93 | SoftAndOk The document passed Softand on the restrictions of the syntactic sorcerer. Only for documents with textual relevance. For monosyllabic requests, always 1. |
94 | NewLinkQuality The quality classifier of incoming links 2 is broken, cm [407] |
95 | Ukrainian It is equal to one if the site has a Ukrainian geoist (i.e. 1 – Ukrainian site) |
96 | IsBlog Page from the blogochosting |
97 | IsLivejournal Page with |
98 | Removed_98 |
99 | Spam2 Automatic classifier spam named after Alekseeva, the likelihood that the website spam (0 is not spam, 1- spam) |
100 | TextFeatures The quality of the text. It is considered a rather complex formula |
101 | TextLike Text quality (classifier Alekseeva) |
102 | Removed_102 |
103 | Removed_103 |
104 | YaBarCoreOwner The core of the audience of owners according to Yandex.Mrazusing |
105 | YaBarCoreHost The core of the audience of the hosts according to Yandex.Mrazusing |
106 | HasYaBarCore Does the host have a host |
107 | SpamKarma Spam karma named after antispamers is the likelihood that the host is spam; based on Whois information |
108 | MusicQ The musicality of the request. The results of the sorcerer Anton Konygin. |
109 | XLExactMatches The number of links that exactly coincide with a request |
110 | DocLen Document length in sentences |
111 | UrlLen The length of the URL, divided by 5 |
112 | QueryNonCommerciality The commercial request for the dictionary of phrases from Direct: 0 – maximum commercial, 1 – minimal. |
113 | HostSize The size of the Host named after Raskovalov in the documents without taking into account the takes (each double is taken into account in the factor by an independent document) |
114 | IsHTML Document type – HTML |
115 | LinkSpeed The number of reverse dispersion times of the appearance of links with the words of the request |
116 | XThLRrelev Link relevance, taking into account thematicity |
117 | XThLRrelev200 Link relevance, taking into account thematicity |
118 | XThLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account thematicity |
119 | XLerfLRrelev Link relevance, taking into account the quality of each link |
120 | XLerfLRrelev200 Link relevance, taking into account the quality of each link |
121 | XLerfLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the quality of each link |
122 | XLerfThLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the quality of each link and thematicity of each link |
123 | XNonCommLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the non -profitability of each link |
124 | XNonCommThLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the non -profitability of each link and thematic |
125 | XNonCommLerfLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the non -profitability of each link and quality of each link |
126 | XNonCommLerfThLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the non -profitability of each link, the quality of each link and thematicity |
127 | GeoCityProxim Means the coincidence of the region mentioned in the request and found sites at the level of areas. Binar factor: 1-rush, 0-no. It is based on (( Yandexposisk/ Classification of Sytraitniki/ Geographic/Sospolzanievpoysk Geoklassification of sites))))))) |
128 | LinksWithWordsPercent The percentage of incoming links with the words of the request |
129 | LinksWithAllWordsPercent The percentage of incoming links with all the words of the request |
130 | PornoQuery Are there any words from Yweb/Pornofilter/Porno.query. |
131 | IsPorno Document from porn kitski |
132 | IsComm A document from a commercial clay. Not used (depreded) |
133 | IsFake Fast document |
134 | IsSEO The page title contains commercial vocabulary. Not used (depreded) |
135 | IsWiki page from |
136 | IsEShop Commercial page (Classifier Savina) |
137 | GeoRegionProxim |
138 | HasNoAllWordsTRSy The document does not have all the words of the request (with an accuracy to a synonym) |
139 | NumWordsTRSy The percentage of the words of the request in the document (with an accuracy to a synonym) |
140 | HasAllWordsTRSy The document has all the words of the request (with an accuracy to a synonym) |
141 | NumWordsLR The percentage of the words of the request in the links (with an accuracy to a synonym) |
142 | HasAllWordsLR There are all the words of the request in the links (with an accuracy to a synonym) |
143 | PayDetectorPredict The value of the commerce detector calculated in the Hippo. |
144 | TxtInvPair Tr by pairs of words in the reverse order |
145 | LnkInvPair Lr by pairs of words of the request in the reverse order |
146 | TxtSkipPair TR by pairs of words of the request through one word in texts |
147 | LnkSkipPair Lr by pairs of words of the request through one word in texts |
148 | NumWordsTRFm The percentage of all the words of the request in the text (with an accuracy to the form) |
149 | HasAllWordsTRFm The document has all the words of the request (with an accuracy to the form) |
150 | QDiversity The degree of centralization of the points from which the request is set |
151 | QBlog Whether the request of blog vocabulary contains |
152 | XGeoLRlogRelev log (lr, narrowed to the country of the user) |
153 | XLerfGeoLRlogRelev log (leerflr, narrowed to the country of the user) |
154 | NonCommercialQuery Binar non -profit request: Querynoncommerciality> 0.965. |
155 | XLExactMatchesMap The number of links that coincide with the text of the request (other Remap) |
156 | XLerfNormLRlogRelev Xlerflrlogrelev (normalized for the amount of LerF-wwees of all links, and not for the amount of their source scales) |
157 | XNonCommNormLRlogRelev Xnoncommlrlogrelev (normalized for the amount of noncomm all links, and not for the amount of their source scales) |
158 | XNonCommThNormLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the non -profitability of each link and thematic |
159 | XNonCommLerfNormLRlogRelev Xnoncommelrfnormlrlogrelev (normalized for the amount of noncommlrf-wigles of all links, and not for the amount of their source scales) |
160 | XNonCommLerfThNormLRlogRelev Link relevance, taking into account the non -profitability of each link, the quality of each link and thematicity |
161 | Nevasca1 The content of content is not used. ‘Hoost is good (from 0 to 1), calculated on the basis of how many and what hosts the content from this one borrow. |
162 | Nevasca2 The content of content is not used. ‘Host’s badness’ (from 0 to 1) – is proportional to the number of secondary content on the host.’ The host (from 0 to 1) is proportional to the number of secondary content on the host. |
163 | LinkAge The average age of links that brought something to LR linkage = min (log (average age of links)/7, 1), 3 years are adopted for 1 |
164 | TLen The length of the page text in the words tlen = map (number of words, 1/400), where map (x, y) = x*y / (1 + x*y) |
165 | IsUnreachable The page is unattainable by the links from the muzzle. |
166 | XLangLRlogRelev LR, taking into account the coincidence of the language and request |
167 | XLerfLangLRlogRelev LR, taking into account the coincidence of the language of the link and request and accuracy |
168 | QueryURLClicksFRC the ratio of the number of clicks on this Urlu to all clicks on request |
169 | QueryDOwnerClicksFRC the ratio of the number of clicks on this Domainid to all clicks on request |
170 | QueryURLClicksPCTR_copy [Bug: A copy of factor 45] How often they click in this URL for this request – CTR blasting for a correction factor |
171 | DoppQueryUrlSessionClicksFRCCity What part (on average by the session) from the user Urlov’s user, this URL user, who has been completed to it, is this URL. It is considered to be user sessions. |
172 | QueryURLClicksPCTR_Reg How often do they click in this URL for this request – CTR blasting for the correction factor, by small regions from Relev_regions.web.txt |
173 | QueryDOwnerClicksPCTR_Reg How often they click in the URLs of this Domainid for this request – Ctr Domainid to the correction factor, by small regions from Relev_regions.web.txt |
174 | QueryURLClicksFRC_Reg The ratio of the number of clicks on this Urlu to all clicks on request, by small regions from Relev_regions.web.txt |
175 | QueryDOwnerClicksFRC_Reg The ratio of the number of clicks on this Domainid to all clicks on request, by small regions from Relev_regions.web.txt |
176 | QueryURLClicksCombo_Reg Query URL Clicks Combo, in small regions from Relev_regions.web.txt |
177 | QueryDOwnerClicksCombo_Reg Query Download Clicks Combo, in small regions from Relev_regions.web.txt |
178 | XLRCatalogRelev LR for catchard descriptions |
179 | XLRYaCatalogRelev LR to write off in Yandex.Catalog |
180 | ExactWordOrderLen The length of the maximum coincidence of forms in the text and request |
181 | ExactWordOrderWeight Weight of maximum coincidence of forms in the text and request |
182 | WordOrderLen The length of the maximum coincidence in the lemma in the text and request |
183 | WordOrderWeight The weight of the maximum coincidence by lemma in the text and request |
184 | LinkMaxAge The maskimal age of a significant accumulation of links that brought something to LR |
185 | TRp1All Options for relevant factors taking into account the feet of words |
186 | LRp1All Options for relevant factors taking into account the feet of words |
187 | TLp1All Options for relevant factors taking into account the feet of words |
188 | BFexactAll Options for relevant factors taking into account the feet of words |
189 | BFlemmaAll Options for relevant factors taking into account the feet of words |
190 | PassageLegacyTR TR of the best passage – how high -quality snippet |
191 | TxtBM25AttenSyn Tr with discount for suggestions |
192 | MaxWordHostRank Host Rank according to the most pronounced word of request (usually this is the name of the site) |
193 | MaxWordHostClicks Domattr clickness for the most expressed word. For example, for all requests in which there is a word Wikipedia click on Wikipedia warders. |
194 | DomPhraseRank Hostrank by separate words |
195 | DomPhraseClickRank Domain clickability by words |
196 | IsForum URL satisfies forum_detector regularly |
197 | AliceMusicTrackTitleAnnotationMatchWeightedValue The value of the Factor AnnotationMatchweighhedValue for Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
198 | IsObsolete The URL has an ancient date. Ancient news are recognized. Factor 1 if there is a year in Url <= 2007. |
199 | TRWithStops Weight of maximum coincidence of forms in the text and request |
200 | LRWithStops Weight of maximum coincidence of forms in the text and request |
201 | HasPayments The page has a about ‘payment SMS’. |
202 | IsLinkPessimised Antispamers pessimized the site – all dynamic link factors are reset. Zerolnk.flt |
203 | EshopValue Stage of the page |
204 | PornoValue Pornography of the page |
205 | TrafgraphOutAll_share_m Remapped mascot feature TrafgraphOutAll_share_m |
206 | TrafgraphOutAllSE_share_d Remapped mascot feature TrafgraphOutAllSE_share_d |
207 | TrafgraphOutAllSE_share_m Remapped mascot feature TrafgraphOutAllSE_share_m |
208 | NoExtClicksShare Remapped mascot feature NoExtClicksShare |
209 | CountersSearchTraffic1 Search traffic – transitions from search engines to the site (2nd formula) |
210 | CountersSearchTraffic2 Search traffic – transitions from search engines to the site (2nd formula) |
211 | DomPhraseYabar Transitions to the site from search engines by individual words, according to the bar |
212 | AliceMusicArtistNameBclmMixPlainK000001 BCLMIXPLAINK000001 factor |
213 | QueryUrlLCS The largest total tuning of Urla and request, normalized by the length of Urla |
214 | OnlyUrl All coincidences are only in the URL, there are no coincidences in the text |
215 | GeoRelevRegionCity |
216 | GeoRelevRegionRegion |
217 | GeoRelevRegionCountry Three levels of coincidence of the geography of the user and page |
218 | XLRGeoRelevRegionCity |
219 | XLRGeoRelevRegionRegion |
220 | XLRGeoRelevRegionCountry Three levels of coincidence of the region of links and request |
221 | GeoCountryProxim Geographical proximity |
222 | IsNavQuery Is the request for navigation, on the clicking of the answers |
223 | MaxWordHostYaBar The most characteristic word of the request corresponding to the site, according to the bar |
224 | FirstWordHostClicks The clickability of the host according to the first word of the request. Quite often, the first (last) word word is a clear indication of the site on which the information should be sought. |
225 | AliceMusicArtistNameCMMatchTop5AvgMatch The value of the CMMATCHTCHTOP5AVGMATCH factor for the Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
226 | QueryDOwnerYabarVisits |
227 | QueryDOwnerYabarVisitors |
228 | QueryDOwnerYabarAvgTime The average for users Active continuous time of the user is (in second) on the host pages after the transition on request from the search engine (the factor depends on the pair (request, Domattr)). |
229 | QueryDOwnerYabarAvgTime2 The average for users Active continuous time of the user is (in second) on the host pages after the transition on request from the search engine (the factor depends on the pair (request, Domattr)). In the inside of the Yandex. Bara/elements/browser counter |
230 | QueryDOwnerYabarAvgActions The average for users is the number of active actions (clicks, clicks) with the continuous finding of the user on the host pages after the transition on request from the search engine (the factor depends on the pair (request, Domattr)). . In the inside of the Yandex. Bara/elements/browser counter |
231 | QueryUrlYabarVisits |
232 | QueryUrlYabarVisitors The number of unique visitors from search engines for a specific request |
233 | QueryUrlYabarAvgTime The average for users Active continuous time of the user (in second) on the page after the transition on request from the search engine (the factor depends on the pair (request, URL)). |
234 | QueryUrlYabarAvgTime2 The average for users Active continuous time of the user (in second) on the page after the transition on request from the search engine (the factor depends on the pair (request, URL)). In the inside of the Yandex. Bara/elements/browser counter |
235 | QueryUrlYabarAvgActions The average for users is the number of active actions (clicks, keystrokes) on the page after the transition on request from the search engine (the factor depends on the pair (request, URL)) |
236 | DssmBertDistillSinsigMseBaseRegChain A pool of logs is marked with BERT trained on Sinsig. DSSM model is trained on this pool using BaseregionChain |
237 | DssmBertDistillRelevanceMseBaseRegChain A pool from PRS logs is marked using BERT, trained for relevance. DSSM model is trained on this pool using BaseregionChain |
238 | AliceMusicArtistNamePerWordCMMaxMatchMin PERWORDCMMAXMATCHMIN Factor value for Alicemusic Stryim |
239 | AliceMusicArtistNameAttenV1_Bm15_K05 The value of the factor attenv1_bm15_k05 for the Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
240 | AliceMusicAlbumTitleAnnotationMaxValueWeighted The value of the factor annotationmaxvalueEWEEGTED for Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
241 | IsForeignQuery Request is not in Russian |
242 | IsForeignCluster foreign cluster document |
243 | PageRegionSizeIn The size of the page of the page |
244 | PageRegionInvSizeIn The factor is inversely proportional to the size of the page region |
245 | QueryRegionSize The size of the region of the request |
246 | QueryRegionInvSize The factor is inversely proportional to the size of the regional region |
247 | GeoGeometryProxim The geographical proximity of the user and the site |
248 | RingsHostRankBadnessOld Characterizes the promotion of the site with ling rings. Value is the share of external links that are included in the lingon rings and battleships. |
249 | YabarHostVisitors The number of unique visitors, remarks exponentially |
250 | YabarHostSearchTraffic The share of traffic from search engines |
251 | YabarHostInternalTraffic The share of suits to the site is not by links (set with hands or from bookmarks) |
252 | YabarHostAvgTime average for users Active continuous time for user finding (in sec) on the host pages |
253 | YabarHostAvgTime2 The average for users Active continuous time of the user (in second) on the pages of the host. In the inside of the Yandex. Bara/elements/browser counter |
254 | YabarHostAvgActions The average for users is the number of active actions (clicks, clicks) with the continuous finding of the user (in second) on the pages of the host. |
255 | YabarHostBrowseRank Implementation of the algorithm described in the article (( .pdf |
256 | YabarUrlVisits Varla’s attendance according to I-Bara |
257 | YabarUrlVisitors The number of unique visitors to Urla |
258 | YabarUrlAvgTime The average for users time is the user on the page. It is read as the difference between neighboring transitions. |
259 | OwnerSatisfied4Rate This is the SEA factor = s4_r/ (k_r+10) where S4_R is the number of clicks> 180 sec, k_r – the total number of clicks. It is considered taking into account reformalization. |
260 | OwnerSatisfied4Rate_Reg This is the SEA factor = s4_r/ (k_r+10) where S4_R is the number of clicks> 180 sec, k_r – the total number of clicks. It is considered taking into account reformalization. Localized version |
261 | UrlQueryVariety The degree of variety of requests for which this Urla click |
262 | IsCommByKeywords Commercial page by keywords. Not used (depreded) |
263 | DocIdfSum_broken IDF for various parts of the document, broken, are not used |
264 | TitleIdfSum_broken IDF for various parts of the document, broken, are not used |
265 | HeadingIdfSum_broken IDF for various parts of the document, broken, are not used |
266 | NormalTextIdfSum_broken IDF for various parts of the document, broken, are not used |
267 | XLRVideoRelev Link factor about the presence of a video on the page. |
268 | AuxTextBM25 BM25 for the user region for localized queries, for the unflapped in Cuba, is a country. The texts of the queries sent for the regions can be viewed in Relev_regions.txt in the sorcerer |
269 | AuxLinkBM25 The same for lingonic relevance |
270 | CommLinksSEOHosts The share of incoming corrupt links. The algorithm for recognition of commercial links is implemented. The factor will be remarked to [0.1] if the share of such links is 50%, otherwise 0. (( selection of wound sites)))))) |
271 | CommLinksSEOHostsPornoQuery Previous factor multiplied by Pornoquery |
272 | CommLinksSEOHostsNonComm ComMlinksseohosts factor multiplied by Noncommercialquery |
273 | TovarCategoryQuery The request mentions the product category. Not used (depreded) |
274 | TovarCategoryVendor The request mentions a vendor. Not used (depreded) |
275 | Diversity2 Geographical distribution of the request |
276 | NightQuery The request is set mainly at night |
277 | MorningQuery The request is set mainly in the morning |
278 | DayQuery The request is given mainly in the afternoon |
279 | EveningQuery The request is set mainly in the evening |
280 | HourDiversity The severity of the querial tasks at different times of the day |
281 | LCor Characterizes the frequency of words in links. The factor is large, if the word that played in a lincoat relevance is rare for links. |
282 | SubqueryThMatchA Coincidence of thematic spectra of request and document. Request themes – the result of work (( Rules of the sorcerer Subquerysearch)) The subject of the document is determined by the automatic classifier |
283 | TRDocQuorum The weight of the words of the request that is in the text |
284 | LRDocQuorum The weight of the words of the request that is in the Links |
285 | TRLRDocQuorum The weight of the words of the request that is in the text and links |
286 | OwnerSDiffClickEntropy Entropy – distribution of clicks |
287 | OwnerSDiffShowEntropy Entropy – distribution of shows |
288 | OwnerSDiffCSRatioEntropy Entropy – Distribution of clique/shows. |
289 | XPornoLRlogRelev Document Porn on the text of Leskok |
290 | XPornoNormLRlogRelev Document Porn on the text of Leskok, other normalization |
291 | XPornoQuery Classifier of Porn Causions, another dictionary than Pornoquery |
292 | AliceMusicAlbumTitleAttenV1_Bm15_K05 The value of the factor attenv1_bm15_k05 for the Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
293 | GeoCountryCountryProxim The geographical proximity of the country of the site and the country of request |
294 | UrlDomainFraction Coating domain three -bouqu and request. (Chelyabinsk lottery – Chelloto. We translate a request to translite, find the three -book that are covered (Che, Hel, Lot, Olo), we look at what share of all three -bouquets are covered) |
295 | UrlPathAndParamsFraction The same as the previous factor, but about the entire Url except the domain |
296 | SpecificalQuery The request is local-specific. The request is often reformulated with the obvious task of the region. (( more)) |
297 | JokerLen We consider text features, believing that the page title is attributed to each of its proposal, i.e. The distance between the word from Title and any other word 1 sentence. Len is the maximum attitude of words from the request of the text met in some sentence (with attributed Title) in relation to the length of the request. Example [Harms Circus Vertunov] for (( %25b8%25D1%2580%25D0%25D0%25A %25BC%25D1%2581%of this document)) |
298 | JokerWeight The ratio of the amount of IDF words in a sentence+Title to all words. |
299 | ExactJokerLen The same as Jokerlen, in the exact forms |
300 | ExactJokerWeight The same as Jokerweight, in the exact forms |
301 | More120SecVisitsNotSearchShare Remapped mascot feature More120SecVisitsNotSearchShare |
302 | LnkBreak Analogs of the corresponding text factors for links. BM25 from the number of links in which a coincidence occurred. |
303 | LnkBm25Ex Simple BM25 in the exact form in link texts |
304 | LnkPairSy The presence of pairs in the links of the words, taking into account synonyms |
305 | LnkBrkSy The number of links passed the threshold |
306 | LnkBm25Sy Simple BM25 by links taking into account synonyms |
307 | VideoQuery Request about the video |
308 | OwnerClicksPCTR_Reg The owner’s clickness regardless of the request, separately in the regions |
309 | OwnerSDiffClickEntropy_Reg Entropy is the distribution of clicks. Regionalized |
310 | OwnerSDiffShowEntropy_Reg Entropy is the distribution of shows. Regionalized |
311 | OwnerSDiffCSRatioEntropy_Reg Entropy – distribution of clique/shows. Regionalized |
312 | Adultness equals 2 * NastyContent |
313 | HostAdultness equals 2 * NastyContent |
314 | KCHostAdultness always zero |
315 | IsCom Domna in Zone .com |
316 | IsUa Domain in the .ua zone |
317 | IsNotRu Domain is not in the .ru zone |
318 | XLRMarketRelev LR by links from Yandex.Market |
319 | Poetry The poetry of the document |
320 | PoetryQuad The maximum poetry of the quatrain |
321 | EngLang Document language – English |
322 | Has2ExactQueryParts The request is completely covered by two exact groups consisting of an exact Match of the words of a contract in a row (( about grouping in groups)) |
323 | HasLevensht1QueryFragment There is a group consisting of an Exact Match of the words of the request that covers the request (possibly with a pass, addition or replacement of a word) |
324 | LargestSyInexactGroup The share of the request, covered by the longest group consisting of any hits (including word forms and synonyms). Possibly with a pass, addition or replacement of a word |
325 | TimeProfilesMatchWD Characterizes the proximity of temporary profiles of request and documents on business days |
326 | TimeProfilesMatchWE Characterizes the proximity of temporary profiles of the request and documents on weekends |
327 | CyrLang The language of the document is Cyrillic |
328 | GeoRegionalityU Requestful factors – the result of work (( classifier of geolocalization of the request))))))))))))) |
329 | GeoRegionalityR R- Georelevan – regional results in the issuance could be useful, but nothing more |
330 | GeoRegionalityV V- geovital – regional issuance is of fundamental importance |
331 | UrlHasNoDigits There are no numbers in Urla |
332 | AliceMusicTrackArtistNamesAllWcmMaxMatch ALLWCMMAXMatch factor |
333 | AliceMusicTrackAlbumTitleCosineMatchMaxPrediction The value of the cosinematchmaxprediction factor for the Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
334 | SynS1 Show how much the text is unnatural from the point of view of the Russian language. Assessment of how much the text of the document can be considered as a generated synonymizer or automatic. (( more)) |
335 | SynFLremap1 Show how much the text is unnatural from the point of view of the Russian language. Assessment of how much the text of the document can be considered as a generated synonymizer or automatic. (( more)) |
336 | SynFLremap2 Show how much the text is unnatural from the point of view of the Russian language. Assessment of how much the text of the document can be considered as a generated synonymizer or automatic. (( more)) |
337 | OwnerSessNormDuration ND/K normalized time to click |
338 | UrlSessNormDurRate nd/i |
339 | QueryDOwnerSessNormDuration CONTRY / K |
340 | QueryDOwnerWeightClick w/k |
341 | QueryDOwnerOnlyClickRate o/i |
342 | QueryDOwnerClickSummary Selected formula |
343 | QueryDOwnerSatisfied4Rate r_s4b/(r_k + 10) |
344 | SyntQuality Does the request have a complete syntactic analysis |
345 | PageDate The date of the document that is registered on the page is remarkable |
346 | VisitsPVisitors Remapped mascot feature VisitsPVisitors |
347 | RingsHostRankBadness2 Additional factors about the promotion of the site with ling rings, (( |
348 | RingsHostRankBadness3 Additional factors about the promotion of the site with ling rings, (( |
349 | RingsHostRankBadness4 Additional factors about the promotion of the site with ling rings, (( |
350 | HasTextPos The document has textual relevance |
351 | QSegmentsBM25 BM25, where the selected segments of the request act as ‘words’ |
352 | QSegmentsWeight ‘Weight’ of the segments of the request in the text |
353 | SynPercentBadWordPairs An indicator of the unnaturalness of the text from the point of view of the Russian language. The number of bad pairs of words in the text, transferred to the segment [0.1] according to the Z/(Z+10) formula |
354 | SynNumBadWordPairs The proportion of bad steam among all found in the table: Z/(X+1), where Z is the number of bad couples in the text, and X is ( of 2000-navigable )) steam |
355 | NumLatinLetters The number of Latin letters in the text (not counting the markings) driven into [0.1] formula n/(n+100) |
356 | RingsHostRankBadness1 Additional factors about the promotion of the site with ling rings, (( |
357 | DocIdfSumFixed Previous factors – fixed |
358 | TitleIdfSumFixed Previous factors – fixed |
359 | HeadingIdfSumFixed Previous factors – fixed |
360 | NormalTextIdfSumFixed Previous factors – fixed |
361 | QueryURLClicksCombo factor cunningly combined from FRC and Pseudo-CTR |
362 | QueryDOwnerClicksCombo factor cunningly combined from FRC and Pseudo-CTR |
363 | LRAmortizedByAge Link relevance with pessimization for great age Link |
364 | RusWordsInText The number of words in the text (the word is what the lemmeter selected) is displayed in [0.1] according to the formula x/(x+a) |
365 | RusWordsInTitle The number of words of the Russian language in the title |
366 | MeanWordLength The average length of the word |
367 | PercentWordsInLinks The percentage of the number of words inside the tag <a> .. </a> from the number of all words |
368 | PercentVisibleContent The percentage of the number of words outside the tags (outside the brackets <>) from the number of all words |
369 | PercentFreqWords The percentage of the number of words, which are 200 the most frequent words of the language, from the number of all words of the text |
370 | PercentUsedFreqWords The number used in the text 500 of the most popular words of the language, divided by 500 |
371 | TrigramsProb Logarithm of average geometric probabilities of trigrams in the text. (the probability of a trigram – the number of its meetings in the text, divided by the number of all trigrams) is displayed in [0.1] according to the formula -x (x+a) |
372 | TrigramsCondProb Logarithm of the average geometric conditional probabilities of trigrams. The conditional probability of a trigram is its probability, divided by the probability of a bigram from the first two words |
373 | DoppDOwnerPCTR The analogue of the QueryDownerClickSpCTR factor differs from it in that the requests are normalized by doppelgage (details of such normalization -(( Andrei Plakhov)), code/yandex/doppelganges) |
374 | DoppDOwnerPCTR_Reg The analogue of the QueryDownerClickspCTR factor differs from it in that the requests are normalized according to doppelgage (details of such normalization -(( Andrei Plakhov)), code/yandex/Doppelganges). Localized to Relev_regions.web.txt |
375 | DoppUrlPCTR The analogue of the QueryurlClickSpCTR factor differs from it in that the requests are normalized by doppelgagers (details of such normalization – (( Andrei Plakhov)), code – Yandex/Doppelganges) |
376 | DoppUrlPCTR_Reg The analogue of the QueryurlClickSpCTR factor differs from it in that the requests are normalized by doppelgage (details of such normalization – (( Andrei Plakhov)), code – Yandex/Doppelganges). Localized to Relev_regions.web.txt |
377 | UrlBM25 BM25 on URL’U |
378 | HasBigPicture The page has a big picture |
379 | MatrixNet Matrixnet is applied to all factors – formula (tg_unized – to prevent the entrance to any formulas) |
380 | DaterAge The difference between the current date and the date of the document defined by the dates, 1 – the date of the document is equal to the current, 0 – the document of 10 years or more, if the date is not defined, equal to 0. Attention! ((1 – dateraage)*60)^2 = age of the page In days. |
381 | IsHardPessimization Hard pessimization (AKA PR = 0), binary factor, is considered in Antispam |
382 | CInDegree1 The host factors determine the sites screwed by the links-the second and third incoming degrees (( |
383 | CInDegree2 The host factors determine the sites screwed by the links-the second and third incoming degrees (( |
384 | NumNonRussianLinks The number of incoming links without Russian letters. Remembrance. |
385 | TextMaxForms The maximum number of forms in all words of the request is max in all words of the request request_form_dl_lov/64 |
386 | TextWeightedForms The sum of the number of forms balanced by the scales of words – the amount in all words of the request of the number_form_dly_lov/64*weight_lov; REMAP species x/(1 + x). |
387 | TextForms The unwarmed amount of the number of forms is the amount in all words of the request of the number_form_dl_lov/64/number_lov_ |
388 | LinkMaxForms The maximum number of forms in all words of the request |
389 | LinkWeightedForms Summer of the number of forms balanced by scales |
390 | LinkForms Undested amount of the number of forms |
391 | TR_W1 Analogues of the factors of the same name, the weight of the word = 1 |
392 | XLR_W1 Analogues of the factors of the same name, the weight of the word = 1 |
393 | TextBM25_Fm_W1 Analogues of the factors of the same name, the weight of the word = 1 |
394 | TextBM25_Sy_W1 Analogues of the factors of the same name, the weight of the word = 1 |
395 | LinkBM25_W1 Analogues of the factors of the same name, the weight of the word = 1 |
396 | TLBM25_W1 Analogues of the factors of the same name, the weight of the word = 1 |
397 | QSegmentsBreaks Request segments are parts of the request, which in themselves are frequency requests. The factor shows how much the segments are in the text. value 0 – all words are found only within the framework of the indicated segments, 1 – all the entries break segments |
398 | AliceMusicTrackLyricsCMMatchTop5AvgMatch The value of the CMMATCHTCHTOP5AVGMATCH factor for the Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
399 | NumeralsPortion The share of different parts of speech in the text. The share of numerals (among all words that managed to recognize part of the speech) |
400 | ParticlesPortion The share of particles |
401 | AdjPronounsPortion The share of pronoun adjectives |
402 | AdvPronounsPortion The proportion of pronoun nouns |
403 | VerbsPortion The share of verbs |
404 | FemAndMasNounsPortion The share of words that can be both masculine nouns and nouns of the feminine, but not of the middle kind, among all nouns (examples: ‘hummingbirds’ are an example of an indefinite kind that can be determined in two ways, ‘Alexander’ is homonymy). |
405 | LinkQualityFixed Quality of incoming links (hauser classifier) corrected |
406 | HasLinkQualityFixed Considered Linkqualy for this page or not (did not think, if there are few links) corrected |
407 | NewLinkQualityFixed Quality classifier of incoming links 2 corrected |
408 | IsOrg The request is the name of the organization (example: Gazprom, Gazprom) (( Description)) |
409 | AliceMusicArtistNameCMMatchTop5AvgMatchValue The value of the CMMATCHTCHTOP5AVGMATCHVALUE factor for Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
410 | LongestText The size of the largest text segment (from the factor [18] puretext) |
411 | SmartUkrainian |
412 | SmartBelorussian |
413 | LRWithoutRare Link relevance without taking into account rare words |
414 | DifferentInternalLinks The number of different internal links to the page |
415 | HasDeterminedCities The city is defined for the site |
416 | GeoRegionalityUNew Requestful factors – the result of the work (( classifier of the request of the request)) – a new version of factors [328] – [328] – [328]: u – u – u – u – u – u – uceleless sites the request is meaningless; |
417 | GeoRegionalityRNew Запросные факторы – результат работы (( классификатора геолокализованности запроса)) – новая версия факторов [328]-[330]: R – георелевантные – региональные результаты в issuing could be useful, but nothing more; |
418 | GeoRegionalityVNew Requestful factors – the result of work (( classifier of the request of the request)) – a new version of factors [328]: Vegetable fundamental importance. |
419 | AliceMusicArtistNamePerWordCMMaxPredictionMin The value of the perwordcmmaxpredictionmin factor for Stryim ALICEMUSIC |
420 | UkrainPageRank Ukrainian Page Rank |
421 | QClassDownload = 1 – v. Download formula. Class requests: download/watch online/play/photo/listen |
422 | QClassBrandnames The result of the classifier of the request – in the request there are words from the corresponding dictionary. brand |
423 | QClassDisease Medication Dictionary |
424 | QClassKak question |
425 | QClassMoscow Specific request for Moscow |
426 | QClassOAO organization |
427 | QClassPorno porn |
428 | QClassTravel trips |
429 | VideoRating The popularity of the video roller comes from the video |
430 | PeriodicLinkDatesPercent The frequency of links to the site |
431 | LinkAlmostPeriod The number of almost-periodic links |
432 | QDOwnerStatPower The number of Owner shows on request, normalization x/(100 + x). |
433 | QUrlStatPower The number of URL shows on request, normalization x/(100 + x). |
434 | HasLiRuCounter The presence of a LiveInternet meter |
435 | OwnerReqsPopularity The popularity of Owner is in requests |
436 | DssmYaMusicASREarlyBindingCe DSSM model with early binding, trained on reforming and learned by ASR hypotheses of musical requests for Alice |
437 | DssmBertDistillSinsigCeCountryRegChain A model trained on a PRS-Law PRS to predict BERT, trained on sinsig_ce with threshold value 0.5, using a chain of regions to the country |
438 | DssmYaMusicEarlyBindingCe DSSM model with early binding, trained on reforming and learned on musical requests for Alice |
439 | SecondIndegDistrXi Eleven factors based on the statistical properties of the distributions of incoming degrees of peaks referring to the fixed top of the hostographer. ((Http:// |
440 | PiracyDetectorPredict The value of the pirate detector calculated in the hippo. |
441 | AliceMusicUrlTypeIsAlbum Type of canonized Urla Yandex Music – Album |
442 | FirstValidTs10Days It is considered as (10-x) where X is the return of the document in days (continuously) regarding the validity time of the document in Samovar |
443 | HostInQuery The host of the document is recognized in the request |
444 | VitalHostInQuery URL consists only of the host, which is recognized in the request |
445 | YandexNewsStoryUrl URL is the plot of Yandex News |
446 | RcSpylogUrlRationalSigmoidD1T240 URL feature computed from rapid clicks spy_log counters with decay of 1 day |
447 | RcSpylogUrlRationalSigmoidD1T240Frozen URL feature computed from rapid clicks spy_log counters with decay of 1 day |
448 | RcSpylogUrlRationalSigmoidD0_5T30 URL feature computed from rapid clicks spy_log counters with decay of 0.5 days |
449 | RcSpylogUrlRationalSigmoidD0_5T30Frozen URL feature computed from rapid clicks spy_log counters with decay of 0.5 day |
450 | Timestamp They are considered as (80 – x) / 80, where X is the age of the document in the watch. Factors make sense only for the fast -button base (the last 80 hours). Not used in ranking. Used in disconnecting. |